islah Skills Academy

My Experience in English Speaking class

Online English Speaking

My Experience in English Speaking class

I’ve always known that English is a powerful communication tool. It’s the language of global business, education, and entertainment. However, I struggled with feeling confident in my own speaking abilities. I could read and write in English reasonably well, but when it came to forming sentences on the spot and holding a conversation, I would freeze. I knew this was holding me back, both personally and professionally. That’s when I decided to take the plunge and enroll in an online English speaking class with Islah Skills Academy. Thank You Samreen Fatma ma’am

The Challenge: Beyond Grammar and Vocabulary

My biggest obstacle wasn’t a lack of grammar knowledge or limited vocabulary. I could often understand spoken English, but when it came to responding, I felt lost. Here’s what I struggled with the most:

Fluency: I hesitated a lot, searching for the right words and sentence structures.
Pronunciation: I was self-conscious about my accent and whether I was saying things correctly.
Confidence: The fear of making mistakes made me nervous and less likely to speak up.
Why I Chose Islah Skills Academy After some research, I came across Islah Skills Academy, and several things attracted me to their online English speaking program:

Personalized Approach: They offered an initial assessment to pinpoint my strengths and weaknesses, promising a tailored learning plan.
Experienced Teachers: Islah emphasized the qualifications of their instructors and their experience in teaching English as a second language.
Flexible Scheduling: With online classes, I could learn from the comfort of my home and choose timings that worked with my schedule.
Focus on Conversation: Their course description promised ample speaking practice and dedicated conversation sessions.

My Islah Skills Academy Experience: Week by Week

Week 1: Breaking the Ice

My first few sessions were about building a rapport with my instructor and getting comfortable speaking English, even if it meant making mistakes. This involved simple icebreaker activities, introducing myself, and discussing my motivations for improving my English. Surprisingly, this focus on simply talking helped reduce some of that initial anxiety.

Week 2-3: Building Blocks of Fluency

Here’s where things got really interesting. My instructor introduced techniques to improve my speaking flow:

Shadowing: We practiced mimicking native English speakers from videos and podcasts, focusing on pronunciation and intonation.
Thought Grouping: Instead of translating word-for-word, I learned to speak in short phrases and complete thoughts.
Common Connectors: Learning useful transitional words and phrases like “however,” “on the other hand,” and “for example” gave my speech more structure.

Weeks 4-6: Real-World Scenarios

This was where I felt significant progress. We practiced various conversational scenarios I was likely to encounter:

Role-plays: We acted out situations like ordering at a restaurant, giving a presentation, or negotiating with a client.
Topical Discussions: My instructor introduced interesting topics for discussion, encouraging me to express my opinions and build my argumentative skills.
Informal Chats: We had casual chats about hobbies, culture, and current events to practice everyday conversational English.

Beyond the Classroom: Taking It Further Islah Skills Academy emphasized that progress didn’t stop with the classes. Here’s what I did to reinforce my learning

Language Immersion: I watched English movies and TV shows with subtitles, listened to podcasts, and read English books and articles.
Language Exchange: I found an online language exchange partner to practice speaking with a native English speaker.
Consistency: I set aside even 15-20 minutes a day for speaking practice, even if it was just talking to myself.

The Islah Skills Instructor Difference: Support and Encouragement

One of the most crucial aspects of my Islah Skills Academy experience was the quality of the instructors. My instructor wasn’t just knowledgeable; they were incredibly patient and encouraging. Here’s how this helped me overcome my difficulties:

Personalized Feedback: They paid close attention to my specific pronunciation challenges and provided tailored exercises to improve problem areas.

Error Correction (But the Right Way): Instead of interrupting and making me feel self-conscious, my instructor would subtly model the correct pronunciation or phrasing after I spoke. This made the correction feel less like criticism and more like natural learning.
Positive Reinforcement: They were quick to celebrate even small improvements, which boosted my confidence and made me eager to try harder.

Unexpected Benefits: Beyond Just Speaking As I progressed through the Islah Skills Academy program, I realized the benefits extended far beyond my ability to simply speak English. Here’s what else I gained:

Improved Listening Comprehension: By focusing intently on spoken English in class, my ability to understand different accents and speech patterns in real-world situations improved dramatically.

Expanded Vocabulary: While my instructor focused on speaking fluency, my conversations and discussions naturally introduced me to new words and their usage in context.
Cultural Awareness: My interactions with instructors from diverse backgrounds and conversations about different cultures offered insights I couldn’t have gotten from a textbook.

The Verdict: Was Islah Skills Academy Worth It? Absolutely! While it required commitment and effort, the transformation in my English-speaking abilities and overall confidence has been well worth the investment. Here’s a quick summary of the pros and cons I experienced:


Requires dedication and self-discipline outside of class time
Can be more expensive than some self-study resources
Tips for Future English Learners

If you’re considering a similar path to improving your English speaking, here’s my advice:

Find the Right Fit: Choose a program or academy that aligns with your goals and learning style. Research their instructors and teaching methodology.

Don’t Be Afraid of Mistakes: Learning a language is a messy process. Embrace the errors as stepping stones toward improvement.
Seek Immersive Opportunities: Supplement your classes with movies, music, and conversations with native speakers whenever possible.

Celebrate Your Progress: Acknowledge your milestones, big and small, to stay motivated on your English learning journey. The decision to enroll in an online English speaking class with Islah Skills Academy was a turning point for me. It empowered me to communicate more effectively, opened doors to new opportunities, and boosted my self-esteem in countless ways.

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